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Channa was an extremely hard working, very professional, always responsive to all my questions, concerns and requests. Channa's negotiation skills…
Being in sales and finance my whole career. I would highly recommend Channa. Her job was to sell me a home. And in this process, I've received…
I have know Channa for 7 years and her dedication to her clients is wonderful. She is not about the "sale" but about helping the client get what they…
I was the lender on this transaction in helping my buyer get the property. From day one in calling Channa about offer, to day 10 on loan approval she…
Channa Collins was very…
Channa Collins was very responsive to all our questions/concerns and demonstrated strong knowledge of the local market. Her overall service went above and beyond what I expected from a broker. It was a pleasure working with her!
Channa Collins was able…
Channa Collins was able to bring us six different qualified buyers to us within 48 hours of our home hitting the market! I can not say enough great things about her. She was knowledgeable, friendly, supportive, and highly professional. I have already recommended her to numerous people in the market for a realtor. If you are looking to sell or purchase a home in the near future CALL HER. She is the type of realtor that goes above and beyond for her clients. We have bought and sold numerous homes and Channa was the best of the best we have dealt with.
Channa is the most…
Channa is the most detail oriented Realtor !! She’s 100% reliable, always had her phone open for my 100 inquiries from start to finish. She had much patience gave honest feedback. Myself being so picky she showed us many many houses and found us our perfect forever home. She goes above and beyond for her clients. Will definitely be going back to her for future homes. 100% recommend !
Thank you for everything Channa, you were more than just a realtor for us.
Channa was there for…
Channa was there for me from start to finish no matter the day or time! Her positivity kept me grounded through this stressful time. She was the sweetest.